Parliamentary Procedure Definitions
- Main motion: a proposal to be heard by the group
- Each person must rise to speak.
- A speaker speaks to the chair, not to any other person.
- A speaker speaks for or against the motion. “I speak in favor or the
motion because…”
- Only one main motion can be made at a time.
- The floor: what is being discussed by the group
- The table: to put away a main motion, to postpone
- Second: a person who agrees with a motion
- Subsidiary motions: motion that are attached or connected to the main motion,
but not a new main motion.
- Division of the house: to count a vote for which the voice vote of Yeas
and Nays is unclear.
- Call for the question: a call/sub-motion to stop debating and vote.
- Point of information: a question, not an answer
- Point of order: is used to call a violation to the rules to the attention
of the chair.
- Amendment: an addition or deletion to a motion.
- Motions can be amended twice and each requires a vote.
- To adjourn ends the meeting, no more business.
- To recess postpones the meeting.
- Use the chart to see what majoriyt votes motions take
- Suspend the rules: to break Roberts Rules of Order for one instance.