Founding Fathers Video Essay
EQ, Grading and YES Test


EQ: How are the experiences of the Founders and framers examples of Constitutional principles and a reflections of "human nature?"

Research: Try this link for background on the founders.


I. Briefly describe the life of one Founder or Framer

II. Relate a story of how the framer / founder was a "regular guy."

III. Connect a story/experience to a development of the revolution or principle of the Constitution

IV. State the significance of the founder/framer's life


Ideas 1 to 5. ______

Fluency 1 to 5. ______

Organization 1 to 5. ______

Conventions 1 to 5. ______

Total ________/20 x 4 = ________/80


____ Clearly answers EQ

____Uses Habits of Mind

____Incorporates documentary

____Incorporates other sources

____Has required organization (number of words, address etc)

____Essay is organized, follows outline

____Takes a position

____Connects a principle of the U.S, Constitution (republicanism, civil liberties etc.)

____Connects to present

____Ideas are clearly expressed

____Few typos