Constitution Exam -- Practice

. -Which of the following statements is true of the Federalists?
a. They favored acceptance of the Constitution.
b. They preferred the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution.
c. They opposed acceptance of the Constitution.
d. They ignored the debate about the Constitution.

-. Federalists
a. supported the Constitution
b. wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation
c. opposed the Constitution
d. opposed separation from Great Britain

-. Anti-Federalists
a. included no important figures
b. strongly supported the Constitution
c. were limited only to Virginia
d. opposed ratifying the Constitution

-. The Federalist was
a. a collection of essays written in support of the Constitution
b. the first warship in the United States navy
c. a book by Thomas Jefferson to denounce the new government
d. a newspaper published by those opposed to the Constitution

- Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay
a. opposed Washington's election as President
b. delivered speeches opposing the Constitution
c. were the authors of The Federalist
d. tried to disrupt the Constitutional Convention

Use A for true and B for false.

- New York ratified the Constitution only after a Bill of Rights was promised to be added.

-. Those in favor of the Constitution were concerned about obtaining the ratification of Virginia and New York.

Use A for The Virginia Plan , B for the New Jersey Plan , or C for a compromise proposal.

-. Congress forbidden to act on the slave trade for at least 20 years.

-. representation in Congress based on population or monetary support.

- presented to the Convention by Edmund Randolph

-. a unicameral Congress like the one existing under the Articles

-. presented to the Convention By William Paterson

- Which of the following was NOT true of the Anti-Federalists?
a. they attacked almost all of the Constitution
b. they preferred the Articles of Confederation
c. They opposed the Federalists
d. They objected to an inclusion of a Bill of Rights into the Constitution

-.The belief that government can only rule with the consent of the governed is called...
a. popular sovereignty
b. the divine right of kings
c. communism
d. dictatorship

-. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the Federalists?
a. They favored acceptance of the Constitution.
b. they preferred the Articles of confederation to the Constitution.
c. The y opposed the Constitution
d. They ignored the debate over the Constitution.

- Which was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
a. Congress was not given the power to tax
b. Congress could make war and peace and enter into treaties
c. There was no central mechanism to regulate interstate trade.
d. Congress had no power to make the states obey the Articles

- The words of the First Amendment "Congress shall make no law" are an example of the concept of
a. limited government
b. representative government
c. right to revolution
d. ordered government

-. The main arguments of the Anti-Federalists suggest a
a. fear of centralized government
b. strong belief in support of a national supreme government
c. belief in monarchy
d. that government does not have the power to violate rights

- A body of people, living in a defined territory, with an organized government which is able to make and enforce laws makes up a ...
a. state b. democracy c. population d. government

-The branch of government responsible for executing the laws is the...
a. legislative b. judicial c. executive d. federal

Use the following answers for numbers --- through ---.

a. federal b. parliamentary c. democracy d. dictatorship e. Articles of Confederation

-. Document that provided an early confederate form of government for the United States.

-. System of government in which powers are divided between central and regional authorities.

. Some Founders believed that majority rule could be a threat to
a. States’ rights.
b. Local self-government.
c. Natural rights.
d. Constitutional government.

. A major weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation was its
a. Lack of authority to regulate the interstate trade.
b. Unequal representations of the states.
c. Power to violate individual rights.
d. Combination of executive and judicial functions in a single branch of government.

- The delegates to the Philadelphia Convention were authorized to
a. Draft treaties governing international trade.
b. Write a new constitution for the nation.
c. Amend the Articles of Confederation.
d. Develop a plan for admitting new states to the union.

- In the debate over representation in Congress, the larger states generally favored
a. Equal representation.
b. Proportional representation.
c. Bipartisan representation.
d. Limited representation.

-The right of the Senate to approve or disapprove a treaty made by the president is an example of
a. The "general welfare" clause.
b. Separation of powers.
c. Proportional representation.
d. Federalism.

- The major objection to the Constitution by George Mason and other Anti- Federalists was that
a. the judicial branch lacked sufficient power
b. it gave too much power to the House of Representatives
c. certain actions required more than a simple majority vote
d. it failed to contain a bill of rights

- The year 1787 was when
A) Declaration of Independence was drafted.
B) Annapolis Convention was held.
C) Constitution was written.
D) Constitution was ratified by the thirteenth state.

-The purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was to
A) prepare a new constitution.
B) revise the Articles of Confederation.
C) draft a Declaration of Independence.
D) adopt a common state constitution.

- James Madison examined historical data on republics, confederations, and aristocracies to learn about the formation of a government. His conclusions are found in
A) the Federalist papers.
B) his essay "On Liberty."
C) his personal diary.
D) Revolutionary Governments (Parts 1-4).

-. Shays's rebellion, an early test of the powers of the Articles of Confederation, took place in
A) Virginia
B) Rhode Island
C) Massachusetts
D) Maryland

- Under the Virginia Plan, acts of the national legislature could have been revised by
A) the president.
B) the Supreme Court.
C) a council of revision.
D) no one--they would have been supreme.

= The New Jersey Plan was a reaction by some states primarily to the fear that
A) legislative veto power called for by the Virginia Plan would seriously undermine individual states' rights.
B) the weak central government devised by the Virginia Plan would grant too much power to rural states.
C) the strong central government devised by the Virginia Plan would grant too much power to small states.
D) the Virginia Plan gave too much power to populous states.

PART II: TRUE/FALSE (2 pts each)
Write A for True and B for False.

- The goal of the American Revolution was liberty.

- A strong central government existed under the Articles of Confederation.

-. Under the Articles of Confederation, we had a federal system of government..

-. Ex post facto laws give the government the power to imprison people without a trial.

-. Reserved powers are those which belong to both the federal and state governments.

-. According to the supremacy clause of the Constitution, "supreme law of the land" refers to
a. Acts of the president.
b. Decisions of the Supreme Court.
c. The Constitution, federal laws, and treaties.
d. Laws passed by state legislature

III. Vocab -- Use a separate sheet of paper. Write the word(s) and the definition, give an example if possible.


bills of attainder-

enumerated powers-

ex post facto laws-

supremacy clause-

PART IV: Essay questions
Answer FOUR of the questions on separate sheets of paper. Use your habits of mind.

1. How did the Framers correct the weaknesses or the Articles of Confederation in the Constitution?

2. List and give an examples of the FIVE of the basic principles of American government.

3. What did James Madison mean in Federalist 10 when he wrote:
"Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency."

4. What did James Madison mean in Federalist 51 when he wrote:
"... Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. .. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions."

5. Why did the Framers make impeachment difficult? Do you agree with their thinking? Should impeachment be a tool of last resort, or should it be used more frequently?

6. Describe the difference between a republic and direct democracy (propositions and initiatives) and republicanism. Give an example.

7. Connect the Virginia Declaration of Rights to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

8 Take a position on this statement by Ben Franklin, "That government that governs least, governs best."

9. Take a position on this statement by Ben Franklin, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Ben Franklin "Historical Review of 1759