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Decades after Richard Nixon resigned the office of the president, Watergate remains one of the top presidential scandals of modern time. Early in the morning on June 17, 1972, police discovered five intruders inside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. The burglars were there, it turned out, to adjust bugging equipment they had installed during a May break-in and to photograph the Democrats' documents.

The Watergate investigation brought fame to The Washington Post and the reporting team of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The duo unraveled a web of political spying and sabotage that had all the elements of a Hollywood saga. In the end, after 40 government officials were indicted and a president resigned, many would conclude that the system of checks and balances worked. Yet, the triangular relationship between public officials, the media and the public was altered forever.

Watergate Revisited provides a look back at Nixon's legacy with:
• A video Live Online with Ben Bradlee, the former executive editor with the Post and Woodward, currently an assistant managing editor at the paper;
• An archive of Post stories from the period;
• A photo gallery of Post and other photos from the Watergate era as well as a collection of cartoons from the era;
• A multimedia page including audio from the famous tapes and video clips from some of the famous moments during the scandal.

-- Steve Fox, Politics Editor, washingtonpost.com

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