Daughter's suggestion led to bill, senator says

Tucson, Arizona  Monday, 12 February 2001


PHOENIX - A senator proposing legislation on police investigations into unexpected deaths of children says it was suggested by her daughter, the mother of a sudden infant death syndrome victim.

Sen. Mary Hartley, D-Phoenix, said she assesses a complaint or suggestion brought to her by a constituent to decide whether it affects only that individual and can be handled without legislation. She said others affect more people and result in bills proposed.

Hartley said she decided her daughter's situation fit the second category because other people were voicing similar complaints. She cited another example in which a different constituent whose complaint about property divisions in divorce also prompted Hartley to act.

From the start, Hartley said, her daughter "wanted to be treated like any constituent."

Hartley said she put her daughter, Heather Boettcher, in touch with a Senate aide who researched the subject and helped draft the bill (SB1105), which would become known as "Brandon's Law" if enacted.

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