
Lowest voter turnout for President -- Third Party calls for military coup

Last month, November 2000, with a well developed Code and my Web Site development accomplished brought the largest number of visitors to my Web Page per month, only a scant 1313 number of people that included only 15 "hits" from America, found my Web Site in their searches for other subject matters on the Internet, a blockage possibly caused by some politically motivated group of people upset with the subject matters of my Web Site, where the very few people who are finding my Web Site now is declining in December of 2000, out of over a 100 million Americans using the Internet every day of the work week to find anything, when I have a well enough assembled list of "Key Words" in my Page Code work to attract vastly larger numbers of people to my Site on the Internet, and so I do not expect many if any supporters showing up in support of my following call for assembling "Volunteers" at the Pentagon as a replacement of U.S. military personnel and the U.S. Government with. I will never the less continue on with the development of my Web Site until after my "404" Page, the "Panic Button", is attached and my work is completed on it from a so named link to be found under the text of my Index Page.

How many people eligible to vote but don't don't want politicians in power, but want Representation? "The Committee for the Study of the American Electorate", fax: 202-546-3571, already knew all of the voter turnout figures within two days of November 7, 2000, plus or minus a few hundred votes for each State, when the two attached graphic images here attached were made available to USAToday. Check "General Election" at to see that most States do not list their General Election 2000 statistics, and of course they are known, but are being withheld, after all of the voter statistics have been counted and recounted -- and that is over.

"The good news is that as many as 100 million Americans are expected to vote on Election Day. The bad news is that they will constitute barely half, if that, of all eligible voters."

"I am saying democracy is a fake and don't support it with your votes at Any election. From now on -- November 1997 -- if you don't vote your votes are Third Party votes, my votes."

Please pass the news around to all of the millions of American Citizens among the more than 50% who were eligible to vote in the November 7, 2000, General Elections but who did not vote that I am requesting as The Peoples' Third Party capable of Representing them for as many as possible on the First day of May 2001 to join in a March into Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River at Washington, D.C., and to swarm all around The Pentagon demanding first of all to be enlisted in the U.S. armed forces while demanding the U.S. military establishment to with their help arm all of the marchers requesting arms and support in their efforts to throw out the Congress and White House Administration after arming the amassing militant thousands of nonvoting eligible to vote American Citizens to use for the storming of all of the political government buildings, including the U.S. Supreme Court, as members of the American Majority demanding the resignation of all of the elected and political appointees to American government and for me to take all power to replace the American government beginning on the First day of May 2001 by way of enough of its "Silent Majority" of eligible to vote American Citizens who do not vote but want full Representation, as many as possible, all showing up in a large enough mass as a result of my request to converge upon The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, at Washington, D. C., for the purpose of enlisting in the U.S. military for weapons and subordination necessary for an armed conflict to get rid of the corrupt current political system by force in the United States which was formed by the dishonest kinds people who run government in America after every election, and to spread the Majority of American Citizen's voice of decent shouting May Day! May Day! All around all of the political government buildings in Washington, D. C., after being armed and supported for expressing my demands that I establish a new form of "U.S. Government" that I should create, as their "Commander in Chief" of, for the establishment of my new form of government for The American People as their Third Party, according to most of the American Citizen's views concerning how I should represent them in my planned agenda of government I refer to here in my Web pages on the Internet for my Leadership of the Majority of all national American Citizens.

There are no morals but to survive. Don't question my reasoning, you won't understand it from my Web site above on the Internet since my reasoning is not comprehensible, except through only this bid for Absolute Dictatorial Power to enable me to distribute free satellite telephones to the Majority of all of the eligible to vote U.S. Citizens from the number of nonvoting American Citizens for the sharing of absolute dictatorial power for the Majority of Americans who do not vote and who place me into power by mass action demanding the resignation of all of the elected officials in U.S. Government, in exchange for my leading the American People with far reaching shades of The Majority of the American Peoples' own wishes, according to everything I do with absolute dictatorial power -- that necessarily will lead to a time of great social disorder.

Minnesota 69%


  Arizona 37%


Maine 67%


  California 39%


Wisconsin 66%


  Hawaii 40%


Vermont 63%


  Washington 41%


New Hampshire 62%


  New Mexico 42%


  Voter Turnout Electoral Votes     Voter Turnout Electoral Votes

Equals 32


Equals 82


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