Issues and Problems in Ambos Nogales
Position Paper


Due _____________
90 Points Possible (15 points possible per paragraph)

EQ: What is a problem/issue in Ambos Nogales for which exists a solution?

Connections (2 required)


I. Intro
a. background on Ambos Nogales (report as if someone doesn't live here)
b. Restate and answer EQ as your thesis

II. Develop Thesis
a. give background on the problem
b. site a source and the source's view of the problem

III. Possible Alternative Solution #1
a. describe how this solution would solve the problem
b. connect to a principle of government

IV. Possible Alternative Solution #2
a. describe how this solution would solve the problem
b. connect to a principle of government

V. Suggest a Solution
a. describe the solution again
b. describe why that solution was chosen
c. connect to a principle of government

VI. Conclusion
a. state the significance of the problem
b. restate thesis
