Political Science, History, Documents, Economics, Geography links
Skills and Resources
Primary Sources
Supreme Court/Law links
Political Science
The Legislative Branch
The Executive Branch
The Presidential Libraries
Geography/Demographics/Land use
Regulatory Agencies
Foreign Policy/International Organizations
Primary Sources
A National Initiative on American History, Civics, and Service sponsored web site. The Our Documents initiative is a cooperative effort among National History Day, The National Archives and Records Administration, USA Freedom Corps, and The Corporation for National and Community Service. You can download Adobe files of each document, read transcripts, access the teacher source book with lesson plans using the documents, and links to the National History Day web site.
The National Archives and Records Administration
The following Web sites contain additional information about primary sources and links to digitized images and documents.
The National Archives and Records Administration
The Digital classroom has links to Teaching with Documents lesson plans, copies of primary sources, links to www.ourdocuments.gov , document analysis worksheets, and details about professional development workshops offered to teachers and school systems.
Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention (1774-1789)
National Security Archive
The University of Oklahoma Law Center: A Chronology of US Historical Documents

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Supreme Court/Law links
Multimedia Database including Supreme Court Cases (searchable by Date, Subject, Title or Citation), Court Justices, A Virtual Tour of the Supreme Court, Case Lists from the Current Docket, links to www.appellate.net , and an interactive game called Oyez baseball.
Developed by Street Law, Maryland high school teachers, law students, law professors, attorneys and the Supreme Court Historical Society. Provides lesson plans, links to oral arguments, moot court activities and other resources. All of the required Supreme Court Cases for the Government H.S.A. are included.
U.S. Supreme Court Historical Society web site
Links to Teacher resources, audio oral arguments, details on how the court works, Society publications and workshops for teachers and graduate students on Constitutional issues.
Equal protection lessons
http://www.abanet.org/publiced/lawday/schools/ lessons/hs_jury.html
Trial by Jury lessons and links from the American Bar Association
http://www.abanet.org/publiced/lawday/schools/ lessons/hs_dueprocess.html
Due process freedoms and human rights American Bar Association
Judges in the Classroom: High School Lesson Plans covering topics such as: Consumer law, contracts, Equality, Discrimination and Civil Rights, First Amendment rights, Juvenile Justice, Mock Trials, etc.

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Political Science
The History Place's collection on impeachment, both the process and the history
Historical election results 1789-1996
This web site is a collection of easy explanations about various processes of government. Contents include: How a Bill becomes a law, information about Congress, Congressional leadership, the President, the Constitution, Elections, Campaign Finance, the Federal Budget (statistics) and State Government.
National Constitution Center Educational Resources including lesson plans, teaching aids and events.
Find out where your candidates stand on issues in Maryland! This web site offers a plethora of materials and links to government web sites with statistics on elections, national, state and local elections, Congressional information, etc.
This is an excellent site with lessons at every grade level to answer the basic question, why do we need rules and a government? Related resources and publications are available.

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The Legislative Branch
U.S. House of Representatives web site-Students learn about who makes our laws and the process they go through. They can also study current laws and bills being introduced and read about the daily progress
United States Senate web site-Students can visit the web pages of individual Senators or send them emails. This site is also a virtual tour of the United States Senate Building.
The Library of Congress
Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
Legislative Branch Internet Resources. Links to directories for the U.S. Congress, Legislative agencies and Commissions and legislative research sources.
A Century of Law Making
This simulation encourages student team to draft letters to their Congressional representatives and senators presenting their case on how the budget should be allocated.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/onpolitics/ articles/timeline_politics1.html
War Powers Timeline. Produced and posted by the Washington Post.

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The Executive Branch
The White House
Official U.S. Executive Branch Web Sites. Provided by the Library of Congress with open links to the offices in the Executive Office of the President, Executive Agencies, Independent Agencies, Quasi-official Agencies, and Boards, Commissions and Committees.
This site has a lot of information about the Presidents and their First Ladies. Some sound clips and historical documents.
"I do Solemnly swear" Presidential Inaugurations
Department of Justice: Just for Kids
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History Behring Center’s web site about the American Presidency. This web site, based on their popular exhibit, provides teachers and students with interactive activities, lesson plans, resources including a Presidential timeline, photos of artifacts from the campaign trail, etc.
U.S.A. Immigration Services ­ This website helps students find out how to become a citizen of the United States. In the Green Card Lottery section, you can find out about this program, which makes 50,000 immigrant visas available each year through a lottery system. Under Visas, you can read about the difference between temporary and permanent visas and obtain the addresses of U.S. embassies.
Social Security history with charts, quotes, etc…

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The Presidential Libraries
Presidential Libraries Main Page
Herbert Hoover Library
Harry S. Truman Library
Project Whistlestop: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/educatio.htm
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library
John F. Kennedy Library and Museum
(Look under "Student resources" for audio and motion clips).
http://www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/ (Research: online holdings)
Lyndon B. Johnson Library
Gerald Ford Library (See Online Historical Materials: photographs and documents)

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Geography/Demographics/Land use
Map of the census data ­ 2000
Search this database of materials related to the U.S>. Census. Maps and Tables are available for quick reference or you can do a comprehensive search for materials relating to your region, state, county, city, etc.
This website uses real census data to make population projections. Lots of graphs and maps.
PDF-formatted maps of the growth of cities in the United States from 1790 to 2000.
Site of a variety of statistical maps for the United States or any of the fifty states.

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State Issues
This web site, sponsored by the Center for Policy Alternatives, allows users to navigate issues by state and view economic data.
Maryland Department of Planning web site highlighting Smart Growth. Users can use links to resources, ten principles of Smart Growth, Rural legacy maps and background, and Picture Maryland http://www.sunspot.net/ads/dnr/ .
Where do we grow from here? A Maryland Department of Natural Resources resource for teachers to discuss growth and its impact on Maryland.

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Regulatory Agencies
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Trade Commission
Food and Drug Administration
Federal Communications Commission
EPA website including links to Curriculum materials, workshops and conferences, and much more. Excellent resource for students and teachers to examine the various ways that government plays a part in land management issues

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Foreign Policy/International Organizations
"Investigating American Foreign Policy" lesson plan with a companion article by Jay Tolson entitled "The New American Empire". Students explore the periods of U.S. Foreign policy since 1787 and the ideas that influence it.
The World Bank's website for students and teachers
Purposes of the IMF
How does the IMF lend?
IMF Fact sheet
The IMF in action!
Monetary mania
United Nations News Center with links to the UN home page http://www.un.org
http://www.abanet.org/publiced/lawday/schools/ lessons/hs_humanrights.html
UN universal Declaration of Human Rights lesson
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North American Free Trade Agreement. This web site (sponsored by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service) contains a fact sheet and benefits of NAFTA with visuals.
North American Free Trade Agreement. Public Citizen, a national non-profit public interest organization, compiled this web site devoted to a discussion of NAFTA. Students can search the Trade Adjustment Assistance database to calculate the job losses due to NAFTA by state or by company. There are also related links to documents discussing NAFTA and democracy, the environment, health, agriculture, and worker’s rights and jobs.

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Federal Reserve today
The FED and inflation- interactive site.
FED scavenger hunt- very cool site for teams of kids to "accept the missions" and learn about the FED.
History of money
The education site for the Federal Reserve
Peanuts and crackerjacks baseball game- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Federal Reserve System's Public Information Catalog
Calculate the CPI ! This is a cool site to have kids check out for a homework assignment or even in class if you have access to a computer!
National Debt clock
http://abcnews.go.com/onair/CloserLook/ wnt_000308_CL_Debt_feature.html
Debt reduction- good or bad???
Lesson: Kyrgyzstan's Transition from a Centrally-Planned Economy to a Market-Driven Economy
A program sponsored by the National Council on Economic Education and provides users with links to lesson plans, and internet-based lesson materials for K-12 teachers.
Foundation for Teaching Economics. This Foundation provides free teacher workshops every year on economics topic with free resources and lesson plans. The lessons and articles on economic topics can be found on their web site.
Stock Market Game is an "educational program that stimulates learning about economics, finance, and the American economic system. It consists of a 10-week simulation that allows participants to invest a hypothetical $100,000 in the stock market".
This is a fun site for students to develop skills to understanding international exchange rates and their relationship to U.S. currency. Students trace international criminals by tracking down their credit cards.
Students will love learning about money that their grandparents once used. This site includes an exhibit with money and some audios.
Current statistics and economic analysis. Teachers can join free with a letter on school stationary.
Skills and Resources
This resource on the Internet is made available by the U.S. Department of Education as part of the Educational Digital Library Initiative; The Gateway to Educational Materials has over 27,000 thousand lesson plans, activities, projects, and Web sites that span the curriculum. Users can browse resources, search by subject, keyword, title or grade level.
The official Web portal of the U.S. federal government, this site offers access to more than 51 million government Web pages and is a good first step for government information. Search a wealth of state and federal government resources for helpful information and guidance. Users can choose from a directory of services for citizens, businesses and government employees. FirstGov for Kids (http://www.kids.gov) is a government interagency portal designed especially for young children.
EDSITEment (National Endowment for the Humanities)
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE)
American Strategy
Political cartoons from over 20 of today's top cartoonists.
Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons updated daily from over 90 American Editorial Cartoonists.
History and Politics Out Loud- Speeches from American History
This web site includes links under the headings: Student Current Event Resources, Online News Articles and Journals, Online Newspapers to current event articles about national and world events.
Online Newspaper Links in Maryland
The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies

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