Nogales High School

Team Schedules, rosters, coaches, training
School claendars by month
Teacher, class and school special events.
Honors  progam infomation, Meet Ms. Ralston.
News from the ocal news about NHS. School Board info.
Meet our teachers. Contact us.
Senior Project info, timelines and instructions
Student Council events and projects.
See the latest issue of the  WarCry ,our school paper.

1. Textbooks: Purchasing of textbooks is a major item of expense for the high school students. Only through increased teacher alertness and vigilance, and increased student responsibility, can the total cost of books to the student be minimized.

a. All students must obtain their own books.
b. All books are numbered. The book numbers will be recorded in the bookstore.
c. All students receive free books and workbooks but must pay lab fees where applicable.
d. Teachers should have students return books to the bookstore. Do not accept individual books from students, except at year-end check-out as required.

2. All teachers are expected to check their mailboxes when they arrive in the morning, at noon, and when they leave for the day. Do not send your students to pick up the your mail.

3. Teachers should be in their rooms at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the first class.

4. After your original roll has been established in accordance with opening instructions, no pupils may be dropped from or added to the roll without official notification from the office.
a. Whenever a pupil withdraws from school, the student name is deleted from your current week attendance roster.
b. Whenever a pupil is to make any schedule change, an official schedule change is given to him/her by the Academic Advisor which should be presented to the teachers.
c. Whenever a pupil enters school or a class, he/she is identified for you on the next week attendance roster, but will enter class with a slip.
5. Notices for the Daily Bulletin must be turned in at the office no later than 1:00 P.M. on the day before the notice is to appear. Forms for such notices may be procured from the administration. Forms are to be signed by an administrator. The daily bulletin shall be read during first period after the Pledge of Allegiance. The news on Channel One will be shown during 4th period on Monday, Thursday & Friday ; 3rd on Tuesday; 4th on Wednesday.

6. We expect every teacher to impress upon the students at Nogales High School a respect for property and the care and maintenance of the physical plant. We feel that this is one of the most beautiful functional high schools in the Southwest. All student should be encouraged to exercise pride and care in the use of the facilities. The furniture is some of the very best school furniture available. Each teacher is expected to play an active role in its care. Report immediately any damage done in your area of assignment.

7. Teachers are responsible to see that their classrooms are left clean at the end of each period.

8. DonÕt take chances with money.
a. DonÕt leave money in your desk overnight.
b. School money must be turned in to the bookstore manager daily.

9. No teachers may permit a pupil to leave our campus. Such permission may be granted only by an administrator or by the School Nurse after contacting the parents.

10. The successful teacher will handle their own ÒdisciplineÓ. Ocassionally, however each of us must remove an erring pupil from the scene. When this becomes necessary, send the pupil to the Assistant Principal and be specific as to the problem.

11. All teachers are to review with their pupils all pertinent classroom regulations such as grading, discipline and attendance policies on the first day of school. Also include academic expectations.

12. Parents are to be kept informed regarding student progress. Each teacher must use the Progress Reportand other means of parent contact, ie. Academic Advisor.

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