Nogales High School

Team Schedules, rosters, coaches, training
School claendars by month
Teacher, class and school special events.
Honors  progam infomation, Meet Ms. Ralston.
News from the ocal news about NHS. School Board info.
Meet our teachers. Contact us.
Senior Project info, timelines and instructions
Student Council events and projects.
See the latest issue of the  WarCry ,our school paper.



1. Quickly master the names of everyone in your classes. Use seating charts or other mechanical aides if necessary.

2. Study the permanent records in the counseling office of each class member, soon.

3. Be sure the classroom is physically comfortable--ventilation, lighting, seating, proper visibility for each member of the class, etc.

4. Practice marginal vision--glance around the room frequently.

5. Be courteous yourself if you expect courtesy in return. Don't accept impertinence.

6. DonÕt stay at your desk--move freely about the room.

7. Word questions clearly and insist on clearly stated answers. Make all assignments clear, definite, and meaningful.

8. Allow for supervised study time in class.

9. Establish classroom regulations the first day. Develop a hand-out explaining your grading procedure and rules or policies students are to follow in your classroom.

10. Have an understanding with the Assistant Principal about what type of discipline problems should be sent to the office.

11. Don't make a major issue out of trivial offenses.

12. Don't talk to much, too fast, or too loudly.

13. Avoid group punishment for the mistakes of individuals.

14. Avoid threats you cannot enforce.

15. Look for ways to relieve or prevent tensions in the classroom by varying your methods; for example, introducing guest speakers, tape recordings, films, field trips, etc.

16. Use praise often.

17. Actively involve a majority of the students each period.

18. Use eye contact with each students.

19. Check to see which students need to do make-up assignments.

20. Check to determine if students understand.

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