>Home Page
>US/AZ Government
American History

>Nogales High School Web Page
>NHS page from school

Class stuff...
A letter to my students

>Past Lesson Plans
>Course Guide in PDF

>We the People Alumni Network
>Photos of Old Nogales
>Socartic Seminar Grading
>The Habits of Mind

Constitution Info
The Founders' Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Constitution Basics
The Constitution Society
>Arizona Legislature
>Political Science Resources
Supreme Court Justices
>Supreme Court
>Supreme Court Info from the Washington Post
White House
>Revisting Watergate
>US Gov't Sites
US Gov't Sites from LA Times
>Political Sites
> World's Smallest Political Quiz

>AZ History Link -Excellent
>Border Issues

Habits of mind

Habits of mind are ways of thinking which make a person more effective in ANY subject.This is HOW to think not what to think.You'll never be at a loss to know what to write on essays if you use these. These should become habits, you should always think like this.

The Habits:

Repeat the question in the answer
Give evidence - Facts, quotes,numbers
State connections to other topics
State the significance of what you are saying
"What if",
State the other side.

Home Contact G.Thomson at Teachweb.org