>US/AZ Government
World History

>Nogales High School Web Page
Class stuff...
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>Course Guide in PDF
>Photos of Old Nogales
>Socartic Seminar Grading
>The Habits of Mind, Heart and Effectiveness
>Position Papers

Constitution Info
The Founders' Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Constitution Basics
The Constitution Society
>Arizona Legislature
>Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Writing Position Papers and Principles of U.S. and AZ Constitutions

8/31 to 9/2
  1. Writing Position Papers
    In-class reading articles on to prepare for the position paper
    EQ: "Is health care a right that should be protected by the government?"
    EQ: "Should the First Amendment protect atheists?"
  3. Student/teacher interviews.
9/3 and 9/4
  1. Explanation of EQs
  2. Lecture Principles
  3. Define and give examples
  4. Enlightened Self Interest and the Common Good
    • Liberty
      • expression
      • due process
      • arms
    • Federalism/Tenth Amendment
    • Republicanism
    • Limited Government
    • Rule of Law
    • Judicial Review
    • Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances
    • Equal Protection/Fourteenth Amendment
  5. Current events examples
  6. Constitutional Principles Applied Work Sheet
  7. Principles and Constitutional Reference Notes sheet
Visual Examples and Definitions of some of the Principles
1. The Six Basic Principles
2. The Bill of Rights - Liberty
3. Checks and Balances
4. Federalism
5. Judicial Review
6. Limited Government
7. Popular Sovereignty
9/8 and 9/9
  • Senior Exhibition Project Proposal and Senior Project Video
  • Turn in Project Proposal by 9/13 to nicenet
  • Foundations of Democracy
    Work sheet and class discussion - 4.1a
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights 4.1b and 4.1c
  • Declaration of Independence 4.2a
    The Preamble to the Constitution 4.2b
  • Turn all work sheets

"Liberty and Security"
Patriots Questions Authority Day

"Live free or die"

  • Liberty or Safety T-chart
  • 9/11/01 - What happened - What it means
  • The Patriot Act
  • Reaction to the Patriot Act
  • Examples of Patriot Act Changes in Security
  • Checks and balances impact
  • Commander in chief examples
  • Liberty and Security Position Paper Due 9/15/09
  • E-Journal Questions: DUE 9/13/09
    • What did Machiavelli mean when he said, "Good laws follow good armies."?
    • What is meant by the idea that once a people give up their rights they must fight to get them back it's easier to let the go than to protect them. How does the Declaration of Independence state this idea?
  • 9/11.video


•  Communicate effectively and confidently in most practical, social, and academic settings, including obtaining, exchanging, and presenting feelings, observations, information, feedback, ideas, and opinions.

Government Standards this unit

Concept 1:  Foundations of Government

The United States democracy is based on principles and ideals that are embodied by symbols, people, and documents.

High School

PO 1.  Examine the foundations of democratic representative government:

  • Greek direct democracy
  • Roman republic

PO 4.  Examine the fundamental principles (e.g., equality, natural rights of man, rule of law) in the Declaration of Independence.         

Concept 4:  Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship

The rights, responsibilities and practices of United States citizenship are founded in the Constitution and the nation’s history.


PO 1.  Analyze basic individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by Amendments and laws:

  • freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition in the First Amendment
  • right to bear arms in the Second Amendment
  • Ninth Amendment and guarantee of people’s unspecified rights
  • civil rights in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments
  • voting rights in the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments; Native American citizenship and voting rights (Arizona, 1948); Voting Rights Act of 1965
  • conflicts which occur between rights (e.g., the tensions between the right to a fair trial and freedom of the press, and between majority rule and individual rights)
  • right to work laws

PO 2.  Define citizenship according to the Fourteenth Amendment.

PO 4.  Demonstrate the skills and knowledge (e.g., group problem solving, public speaking, petitioning and protesting) needed to accomplish public purposes.

PO 5.  Describe the role and influence of political parties, interest groups, and mass media:

  • political perspectives (e.g., liberalism, conservatism, progressivism, libertarianism)
  • influence of interest groups, lobbyists,  and PAC’s on elections, the political process and policy making
  • influence of the mass media on elections, the political process and policy making



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