Group 2

Examining Alternative Policies to Deal with the Problem

Alternative Policies












How can voters raise political conscience to solve public policy problems like corruption? My government class and I, and my teacher Mr. Thomson are really lucky to work with students from Nogales Sonora. This project is called Project Citizen. This project consists of seeking for many problems that affect both communities Nogales Arizona and Sonora. From all these problems we will all choose one and try to solve it, by uniting all our help and ideas. Hopefully, we would really like to end with the problem by one way or another. Although, it might be difficult dealing with the Mexican government because of so much corruption, but as Janeth a judge of Tucson Arizona said that in "Mexico people buy their way in and out". The thing is that we should start somewhere as soon as possible no matter if we start from the bottom or from the top.
The problem my government class and I chose upon is to learn and teach more about politics to students to bring corruption to end. Some activities that are included in this project are debates, ideas, problem solving, and solutions to improve things, portfolios, presentations, and several other things. Although many of the students believe corruption may never end, we still want to take advantage of this opportunity to see what could possibly solve.

One alternative that my group members and I agreed on is registering voters at school. We think this is possibly a good solution because sometimes teenagers do not have a clue in how to vote or where to register. This could help students want to get more information on how the voting process consists of registering at all schools could improve any votes that will make a change and a big difference. This might also turn out to be fair for teenagers because now they would not be able to make no excuses, on why they did not register to vote for a better change. This alternative policy briefly connects to popular sovereignty. Popular Sovereignty is the basic principle of the American system of government; the people are the only source of any and all governmental power, this connects to the alternative because people are the ones that have the power to make the change and their opinions are the most valuable and important.

Moreover, a second alternative consists of requiring government education in all schools in Nogales Arizona and Sonora. This is really going to be a major help for students on how to vote and how it all works. By having government classes teenagers would have a better idea on how to make a correct honestly vote. The student s will also learn from the votes that are incorrect and end to corruption by one way or another. By consisting of this alternative we would have a change and no teenagers would be brainwashed because of their need for a better education.
Furthermore, a third alternative would turn out to be to make the votes required by law. Although, sometimes people do not vote because they do not know for whom to vote, they will have all the information to make their own decisions. It would really be a beneficial requirement, because the government would get more people involved to make a change. The both communities would make a major change or just basically improve votes. Maybe by this the government would not have to deal with so much corruption. Everything would be updated and no people or names would be registered as voters who are not even alive or exist.
The significance of this project is to solve the problem by one way or another to improve things for a better future. Although this project consists of many advantages and disadvantages the school of Nogales High School is willing to do anything to end with this problem. An advantage could be the government would end with corruption. A disadvantage would be it could be difficult trying to contact people from government to spare some of their minutes with us, so they can understand our ideas. My government class and I really hope that whichever of these three policies could work to get to know more about elections, votes and politics, to end with corruption and always have a positive and honest vote.

Elva Herrera

"It is going to happen, it just needs to start"
