Group 3

Proposing a Public Policy to Deal with the Problem

Our Class Policy













Voting is an essential process towards ending a cities corruption. But what if a particular areas citizens aren’t informed, or don’t even vote? This is the exact problem Nogales, Sonora is facing. Through Project Citizen, a program adopted at Nogales High School, in partnership with other schools; we have taken it upon ourselves [the students] to raise voter’s political conscience to solve public policy problems like corruption. Residents of this area are tired of facing day-to-day corruption, but with the help of Project Citizen, voter’s votes will be obtained and corruption will begin to diminish.

One of the best ways I believe this problem can best be approached is by informing voters. Since the youth is a major portion of the population, and the future, targeting them is probably the best option. Adopting programs in schools that teach students about their nations government, but also how they can become involved by voting, which will contribute to ending all the problems like corruption they face, is what I believe to be the best solution. This relates to republicanism, because through voting people elect representatives. Voting is the goal of this policy, so that people elect representatives who will end corruption.

Another possible alternative policy could be to inform voters with the help of the local media. Television, and radio stations can be powerful tools or methods of informing voters. Almost the entire population has access to a television, or radio, where short programs can be given to influence voting, as a way of ending corruption. In addition to this, booklets, or flyers can also be distributed, in which people learn about where they can register to vote, and about the benefits of voting, etc.

Informing voter to raise their political conscience in order solve public policy problems like corruption is significant because voting is very important. If people would like to see a decrease in corruption, they need to become involved. Through voting people get represented, or their point across. Citizens need to make it clear that they have a voice, that they no longer will accept corruption, and that they want the government to become involved.

Gabe Gerardo

"Another kind of revolution is possible"

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