Militia Manipulation

Group 1

Border militias in Arizona has become a challenge for many Arizona state lawmakers and Mexican officials. The most serious problem with the border militias forming along the Mexican-Arizonan border is the safety of not the well-armed and brutish militias, but the large number of defenseless immigrants who are met with wicked groups of self-absorbed men who consider the perils they foolishly put themselves in is for some high-and-mighty purpose. To the state of Arizona: you have been deceived by these racists who put on a uniform and put on a show to cruelly deceive the public into supporting their groundless actions. A 90-percent support rate for death to many innocent, hopeful, and poor refugees makes the rest of the world question the sanity of our great state.

The border militias constantly use the second amendment to justify their doings. “The right to form a militia to secure the nation’s safety” is the key phrase in hearing their argument. But then I question, how do these immigrants threaten the nation? Yes, some will hurt, steal, and even murder, but only a very insignificant amount. To use this argument is to make a militia against the whole of the United States. Yes, many are hard-working peoples who pay taxes. But what of the murderers, the rapists, and the thieves of the U.S.? Shall the government create a militia against the whole of the United States? It’s idiotic; just as the border militias should be categorized. Most immigrants do not threaten the nation’s safety. However, unethical militia-men threaten the immigrants’ safety. Why? These volunteer militias are threatened economically. They fear that these immigrants will occupy their jobs. There are other solutions! Murdering them will not solve the problem.

Stationed border patrols already have the job of protecting the nation from the troublesome immigrants. If these men want to protect, they should join the border patrol and go through the proper training and understand why border patrols do not just go around hurting and wounding every man who attempts to cross the border. Border patrols exist to perform a certain just duty; militias exist only to garnish the reputation of our noble country.

If you support “justice for all” you will make sure your hard-earned cash does not go to such unprincipled programs as the Tombstone Tribune, the newly-formed Santa Cruz county militias, and the overwhelming Cochise militias and you will support the proposed legislation that our class will present.

John Paez


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