Unconstitutional Border Militias
Group 3

The policy that our class has chosen as a solution for the unethical border militias in the State of Arizona is one that will work prosperously. It consists of allowing the border patrol to do their duty; which will not allow any person and/or group to interfere with their profession. Also, the border officials and/or Special Forces have the power to apprehend any person(s) who violate this policy. Such violations shall result incarceration and will await a trial according to his/her crime.

The advantage to this policy would reduce the amount of murders along the Arizona/ Mexican borders, and put an end to the sadistic treatment that immigrants face. The disadvantage would be that it contradicts the 1st Amendment, which in this case the freedom of assembly. Groups such as the Southern Arizona Fire Arms Site (SAFAS) that consists of bias hate crimes against illegal immigrants, would still be aloud to have their social gatherings, however, would be prohibited from using violent and forceful protests.

Our group has also decided to solve the looming issue of supply and demand by supplying these immigrants with the demand of jobs that require hard-labor and that most Americans choose not to do. We have decided that it is better to control immigration and employment, than continue allowing illegal conduct to spread.

Specific branches of government that would be involved in this policy would be the border patrol, police services, military and Special Forces. They will be necessary for this policy because they have the authority to arrest any one who infringes this policy.

Audra Hughes & Rebecca Flores


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