Isabel Garcia Claim

Isabel Garcia, longtime anti-Border Patrol activist, blames the “Border Patrol” for an alleged “beating” an illegal alien received from a “rancher” near Douglas. This is the same Isabel Garcia who was screaming that “vigilantes” had shot and killed several people near Red Rock, Arizona – even though it was later revealed that “smugglers” were most likely to blame (no retraction was ever issued by Ms. Garcia to our knowledge).

Ms. Garcia is fond of using such inflammatory phrases as “militarization of our borders”. Evidently she is referring to the Mexican military. They like to cross into the United States illegally and shoot at outgunned Border Patrol agents. Curiously, Ms. Garcia has never complained once (that we are aware of) about Border Patrol agents being shot at by Mexican military personnel.

Ms. Garcia was booted off the O’Reilly Factor news program on January 10, 2003 after her maniacal ranting became too much for Bill O’Reilly to handle. O’Reilly apologized to his viewers for her behavior (view transcript here).

Ms. Garcia still doesn’t seem to understand that “illegal immigration” is “illegal”. We know it’s a hard concept for an attorney to grasp. If Mexican laborers can sneak into this country illegally by the millions, who in their right mind doesn’t understand that sophisticated terrorists can also come into this country illegally in huge numbers? Unfortunately, it will probably take another disaster to wake up the pandering politicians. After all, we wouldn’t want to save American lives at the cost of disrupting the “cultural” aspects of our borders, which have already been thoroughly trashed by rampant illegal immigration and other crimes. Since most Americans don’t live on or near our borders, they don’t understand this.

Garcia is employed by the Pima County, Arizona taxpayers. She works as the county’s “legal defender”. We wonder how much time she has to do her real “job” when she is always so busy publicly bashing the fine men and women of the “Border Patrol”.

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