Grading of class assignments

Late Work: Any assignment turned in late will lose 10% of the possible points for each day it is late.

Redos: I encourage to do your work over, and receive a higher. To do something over the following conditions must be met:
1. The original assignment must be turned in on time.
2. You must staple the original and the redo. I will return it to you ungraded without the original.
3. You have two days to redo the assignment from the day I pass it back to you. No redo's accepted after two days.


Grading will be accomplished with a cumulative points system. Each assignment will be worth a specific number of points as determined by the teacher depending on the difficulty of the task. All assignments must be kept in the class notebook ; many will be used as Unit Portfolio components. Listed below are the most common means of earning points:

1. Daily assignments, class participation, reading comprehension and listening skills.
(daily assignments will include, but are not limited to: daily journal, vocab lists, bell work etc,)

2. Tests and quizzes- These will require you to express opinions, to discuss class content in more detail, and to explore topics contained in reading, but not covered directly in class. Test will include reading comprehension, spelling and vocabulary. Test will be given on a regular basis, at least three per month. Some tests will be major assignments, some will be quizzes worth fewer points.

3. Position Papers - These will require you to identify a clear thesis, express opinions, analyze problems, provide evidence. All assignments must follow the YES TEST included. these e are a major part of your grade.

4. Portfolios- There are two kinds of portfolios: Unit Portfolios and the big one, the "Senior Exhibition Portfolio." These are major grades and will be based on the unit Essential Question. You will take material from class and out of class work to make the portfolio. See the page in this document which describes portfolio. The teacher will assign each, one per unit. The Senior Exhibition portfolio is required for graduation and its components (as well as other assignments related to the Senior Exhibition) will be major grades in this class.

5. Article reviews: You will do a short writing which will review various articles. This is a minor assignment. follow directions. Include the article stapled. State the thesis, or main point, give facts, quotes etc. which develop the these, take a stand on the issue. One page, may be written in first person.

Please see the official NHS Grading Scale which is posted in this classroom and in your student handbook.