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World History

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Class stuff...
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>Photos of Old Nogales
>Socartic Seminar Grading
>The Habits of Mind, Heart and Effectiveness
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Constitution Info
The Founders' Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Constitution Basics
The Constitution Society
>Arizona Legislature
>Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

The Human Experience

World History and Geography

"How can knowledge of the past be used as a tool for success and self defense in the present?"
Lesson Plans

Final Exam

Thomson Final Exam Info
1.      The first section is an online multiple choice exam that will be posted the week of the final, due on the day of the final. If the exam is not taken by the student online by the day of the final, the student must take the exam on per class the day of the final. 1 point each question.
2.      The second section are essay questions to be completed in-class on the day of the final, the questions will be posted the week of the final and the student MAYNOT use books of notes to answer the questions. 10 points each question.
3.      The third section is a semester notebook check 30 points

1. Multiple Choice Exam
2. Essay
Esay qeustion topics
3. NB check


Extra Credit Geography
World History Articles and Web Sites for Extra
  • Geography and Map Skills Handbook
    These games ask questions related to Globes and Map Projections, Building Map Skills, and Reading Graphs and Charts
  • GeoSpy and other games from National Geographic


Six Themes in World History

1. Change and Tradition.

The dynamics of change and continuity across the world history periods covered in this course, and the causes and processes involved in major changes of these dynamics.

2. Getting Along with Other People

Patterns and effects of interaction among societies and regions: trade, war, diplomacy, and international organizations.

3. Human Impact

The effects of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment (population growth and decline, disease, labor systems, manufacturing, migrations, agriculture, weaponry).

4. Customs and Tradition - Continuity - Systems of social structure and gender structure (comparing major features within and among societies, and assessing change and continuity).

5. Art, Music and Religion

Cultural, intellectual, and religious developments, including interactions among and within societies.

6. Political- Changes in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities
(political culture), including the emergence of the nation-state (types of political organization).

Lisa Keys-Mathews
Department of Geography
University of North Alabama
The Five Themes in Geography

The Five Themes were developed by the National Council for Geographic Education to provide an organizing framework for the presentation of geographic materials.

The Five Themes are as follows:

1. Location: Position on the Earth's Surface (Absolute/Relative). Geographic study begins with the location of places on the earth. Places have absolute locations that pinpoint them on the earth, and relative locations that place each location in respect to other locations. For example, North Dakota has an absolute location that can be pointed to on any basic map. It also has a relative location in that it has a location within the economic system based on its characteristics and location within the world market. North Dakota has its absolute location's characteristics for soil and climate, yet the success of wheat growing is also related to its location to the edge of more expensive arm land to the east.

2. Place: Physical and Human Characteristics. Place have physical and human characteristics that make them what they are. Geography emphasizes the understanding of both of these factors and their integration together.

3. Human/Environment Interactions: Shaping the Landscape. The landscape of the earth is no longer a purely physical feature. Human have impact every area of the earth, but in varying ways. The geography of places is influenced by the degree to which humans have impacted their local environment.

4. Movement: Humans Interacting on the Earth. The postmodern world is one of great interaction between places. This movement is inherently geographic, whether it is by telecommunications or ship.

5. Regions: How They Form and Change. The essential geographic feature is the region. A region is any unit of space that is unified by the presence of some characteristic. The Corn Belt, stretching from Indiania to eastern Nebraska, is an area in which corn is a dominating product. The Corn Belt is a region within the United States.

Arizona Academic Standards
World History and Geography

Strand 2:  World History

Strand 4: Geography

World History Info Links
  World Hsitory:
Connections to today
Into the Roman World
Roman Coins
Best of History Web Sites The Roman Empire in the First Century
National Geographic History News
The Journal of World History History.com>World History
History Now Geography from socialstudiesforkids.com
Eye Witness History Digital History
Internet World History Source Book Discovery Channel - World History Lesson Plans Library
History Central.com History News Index
Home Contact G.Thomson at Teachweb.org