>US/AZ Government
World History

>Nogales High School Web Page
Class stuff...
A letter to my students
>Course Guide in PDF
>Photos of Old Nogales
>Socartic Seminar Grading
>The Habits of Mind, Heart and Effectiveness
>Position Papers

Constitution Info
The Founders' Constitution
The Federalist Papers
Constitution Basics
The Constitution Society
>Arizona Legislature
>Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

U.S. Government Lesson Plans
Class Organization

8.12 and 8/13
"SPAM" this cartoon
  • S= Symbol
  • P = People
  • A = Action
  • M= Message
SPAM this in a paragraph and turn it in.


2. Class organization

  • Intros
  • The Interview in word - Interview form in PDF
    Fill this out on paper in class now and type it for a grade at nicenet.org - Nicenet class key here
    20 points if the interview form is posted by 8.24.09
  • Cooperative Group Roles
  • The plan updated 8/19/09
  • Class web page Review
    In class teachweb.org quick write review - 20 points
    • As the teacher shows the class the page, write what you see, and if you think it's interesting, with a reason.
  • Nicenet .org
    How to sign up for nicenet.org
    Sign-up for nice net by 8/14 for 20 points, 15 by 8/16, 10 by 8/19
  • Course Guide/Outline, and Policies

3. Interviews with teacher while others fill in interview form, class web page assignment, read Habits articles ...

8.14 and 8.17

"SPAM" These cartoons


1. The Habits of Mind and Effectiveness

2. U.S. Issues

3. AZ Issues

4. AZ Issues Jig Saw

5. Interviews


SAC on AZ Issues

  1. Teacher forms groups
  2. Group review and choose roles
  3. Complete the SAC
  4. Report to the class
  1. Review SAC/complete - turn in
  2. Senior Project deadlines
  3. Senior Exhibition video tape and essay discussion
  4. Senior Exhibition Conferences assignment #1
  5. The SE Essay due 8.21 in paper or 8.23 at nicenet
  6. Interviews


  1. Quiz - The Habits of Mind and Effectiveness
  2. Article Review Main Idea
  3. Interviews

1. Random React Grade- 30 points

Directions: The teacher will call on all students. Students will answer the questions:

  • What's the issue
  • What's your position?
  • What's the other side?


AZ issues from SAC is the subject. Select one issues, or I'll select it for you.

    Walter E. Williams
    The source of this class' ideas


8.26 and 8.27
  1. Writing Position Papers
    In-class reading articles on Arizona Initiatives to prepare for the position paper
  2. AZ Issues Public Policy Analysis Chart
  4. Interviews with teacher while others fill in form and class web page

Principles of the Constitution Storybook

8.28 video- random standup
  On to AZ in A Flash
AZ Standards and Vocab focus

Vocabulary Focus – Government Thomson

Language Standards

The student will:

•  Use the writing process to create formal communications and essays in various genres (persuasive essay, literary analysis narrative, research document) that are up to 10 pages and are distinguished by:(W-P1: PO1, PO2; W-P2; W-P3; W-P4; W-P5; W-P6)

  • clear and focused ideas that are well-supported with ample and varied details;
  • a clear and coherent organization that showcases the central ideas and contains thoughtful transitions;
  • a strong sense of audience (voice that is engaging and committed to the topic);
  • effective language that conveys the intended message in an appropriate and interesting way; and,
  • writing that is fluent with easy flow and rhythm, and complex structures.

The student will:

•  Evaluate the logic in a range of extended general interest conversations and academic presentations on familiar and unfamiliar topics, in a broad variety of contexts, live or recorded, delivered at a normal or fast rate of speech.(LS-P5)

•  Interpret the situation, relationship, attitudes, and mood of participants in a discourse or an interview; take appropriate notes and summarize the information learned.(LS-P4)

•  Evaluate the overall effectiveness of informal and formal presentations that use illustrations, statistics,    comparisons, and analogies. (LS-P5)

Government Standards

Strand 1

PO 4.  Analyze the effect of direct democracy (initiative, referendum, recall) on Arizona statehood.

Strand 3

PO 8.  Analyze the structure, power, and organization of Arizona’s government as expressed in the Arizona Constitution:

  • direct democracy by initiative, referendum, and recall processes
  • election process such as redistricting, (e.g., gerrymandering, clean elections), voter registration, and primaries
  • the structure and processes of Arizona’s legislature
  • the roles of the Governor, Secretary of State,  Treasurer, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction
  • appointment and continuing election of judges.

PO 9.  Analyze the forms, structure, powers and roles of local government:

  • county government, boards of supervisors, sheriffs, county attorneys, and others
  • mayor, council, city manager, and other city officials
  • issues of large urban area governments (e.g., transportation, zoning growth management and funding, urban planning, water and sanitation, pollution, annexation)
  • special districts, governance funding and purpose (e.g., school, sanitation, water, fire, library, community college)
Home Contact G.Thomson at Teachweb.org