>US/AZ Government
American History

>NHS Web
Class stuff...
A letter to my students
A letter to the Parents
>Course Guide in PDF
>Photos of Old Nogales
Socratic Seminar Grading
The Habits of Mind
>Position Papers
> High School Hub

> Interesting Articles
>We the People Alumni
Constitution Info
>The Founders' Constitution
>The Federalist Papers

Constitution Basics
>Arizona Legislature

Full Text of some landmark Supreme Court Cases

U.S. / AZ Government

Apply Enlightened Self-Interest and Marginal Analysis

"Don't tie yourself to your history. your history is your memory. Tie yourself to your potential, your potential is part of your imagination." Steven Covey

Current events and the principles of the U.S. Constitution
Read as many of these articles as you can
The Prince
by Nicolò Machiavellian
Written c. 1505, published 1515
(Full text)
Quotes from the Prince
The Prince Assignment
Quotes from the Federalist gleaned from The Prince

Random React Grade

Directions: The teacher will call on students. Students will answer the questions:

  1. What is the point of view of the author of the opinion piece
  2. Quote the article at least once that supports the authors POV
  3. State your POV

Optional Exam and/or Grade Boosters



Email Journal to Nicenet with an answer to these questions in a few sentences.

Multiple Choice Online Final

Grade Boosters:
On the grade points - must be approved by the instructor before completion and acceptance. Teacher will set a deadline and repeat rules. all must be submitted online at nicenet.

  • Death Penalty Position Paper
  • Second Amendment Position Paper
  • Massive Constitutional Principles Exam
  • Presentations to local government
    Worth UP TO (but not guaranteed) 50 points each of the 4 presentations = 200 POSSIBLE for the presentaitons.



AZ Legislature 2006
Random Supreme Court
From Oyez
Justice Talking
Constitution Research Links - Original Sources
*Supreme Court Virtual Tour
*Random Case from the Archives
* Random Person from the Archives
* Random News Story from the Archives
* Most Active Advocates
* Oyez Baseball


The Seven Principles of the Economic Way of Thinking and Reasoning

It's all about individual choice - Luck has nothing to do with it; marginal analysis ... everything.

1. People choose.
2. People’s choices involve costs.

3. People respond to incentives in predictable ways.

4. People create economic systems that influence individual choices and incentives.

5. People gain when they trade voluntarily.

6. People’s choices have consequences that lie in the future.

7. The laws of supply and demand affect every aspect of life

The Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution - The class' main point

Position Papers

Writing Position Papers

Economic Theories and Theorists

AZ Standards for Civics and Government
Univ. of Michigan - Political Science Resources
A cool presidential timeline
Great Constitution link. The Constitution, with links the articles, sections and amendments

Library of Congress Learning Page
Quick Reference of Great Sites
See page 2 of this PDF file
The Library of Congress Site

Amendments to the U.S. Constitution Never Ratified

James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

Barry Goldwater
"Mr.Limited Government"
a true conservative



First offense - Confiscation by teacher until after school
Second offense – Phone turned in to office
Third offense – Phone turned in to office, disciplinary referral to administration, required parent-teacher conference.

Listen to this!!!
Teen Millionaire
Not so long ago, teen Ashley Qualls lived in a one-bedroom apartment with her mom and sister. But with her computer and savvy business sense she made a better life for all of them.
